Thursday, July 29, 2010

flea circus and cat bites = ER visit :(

After a fantastic week in Philadelphia with mother-in-law, and after driving 534 miles in 11 hours, we came home to a house infested with fleas and mold growing up the finished basement walls!! Apparently a huge storm brought in about 3 inches of rain under an hour. The dehumidifier didn't work properly, so the result was a mess of mold. Lucky that the circus planned a nerf gun fight which required the moving of furniture to creat a "field" downstairs! Otherwise the walls were covered by sofas! I'm seriously allergic to mold but managed to get it cloroxed quickly and have had fans running to dry it all out.

We actually didn't see the fleas until the next day -- thankfully I guess, as we never would have slept that night! My circus ring leader, son #1, stepped right in to help! All the boys all pitched in to super-clean the house! I was lucky to convince the pest control folks to work us in to their schedule that day. Took the dog to the groomer and daycare, washed what seemed like 50 loads of laundry.
Gave the cat a flea bath-- boy that was fun-- the whole circus participated until a flea jumped on our youngest and he freaked out and then threw up! That sent our middle, who was capturing the whole event on film, running for cover!

The vet closed early but left meds for me to give the cats--3 pills each "just hold their mouths open and pop 'em in". Yeah right. With #1 holding the cat, Paul, wrapped in a towel, I managed to get the flea killing pill in him. With Fleas jumping everywhere, cat wriggling around, pill #2 keeps coming out -- on our third try, the cat manages to take a chunk of my thumb in his mouth and spits out the pill!!! Foaming and bloody cat mouth and cursing, screaming mama sends the son running! 911 mommy? Gathered my composure finally, left the cats in the flea ridden bathroom and then had the bright idea to crush the pills into some wet catfood! How could I be so stupid?!!!

Well, stupid continues as I sit in the ER 24 hours post cat bite with a now swollen thumb and hand, waiting for meds to kill the infection And an ortho consult to check the possibility of tendon damage! I can say the fleas appear to be gone, although I won't hold my breath yet!

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